"I woke up feeling like a huge weight had been lifted..."

Yesterday on the home front was a rough day. You know those days where everyone including the dog is having accidents and meltdowns and you can’t seem to catch a break? Somewhere in the midst of it I saw an invite for a zoom Maternal Mental Health meeting sponsored by Reblossom and I signed up. My husband tackled bedtime while I got some much needed time with other moms. I was able to vent and was introduced to new resources to help me mom the way I’d always envisioned. This morning I woke up feeling like a huge weight had been lifted. The boys and I built race tracks before breakfast, danced to music during breakfast, they helped me with the after breakfast dishes, and we just finished a family movie time. No one can really tell you how to mom during a pandemic. It’s something we’re all learning but I realized last night self care is essential. I think we could all use some sort of pandemic support group and just being told “you’re not alone in the struggle.” Reblossom will be having once a month zoom meetings if anyone is interested in joining next time. Thank you so much Monira for organizing the meeting and using your shop to help other moms.

- A.J.

A Note from Monira:

I experienced postpartum mood & anxiety after both my babies, but at different times and for different reasons. I didn't realize what was happening at first. Most of my symptoms were related to separation, panic and intrusive thoughts. I wanted to have a baby, it didn't make sense to me. I now know my diagnosis was probably postpartum anxiety & OCD. I hope having a group where you can talk about the emotions & physical changes involved in having a child and raising one will help all mamas through this life transformation!Postpartum.net changed my life! 

