Wednesday Wellbeing Walk

1st & 3rd Wednesday of the month

9:30-10:30 am

Join Athens Parent Wellbeing & Piedmont Athens Regional once a month for a wellbeing walk throughout the beautiful Boulevard & Newtown neighborhoods.

Walk & talk to other parents, caregivers, peer support parents and therapists as you make new friends and strengthen existing relationships.

Children welcome (but not required, in case you need a parenting pause).

Meet and end at ReBlossom, 625 Barber St. #160, Athens, GA 30601

Parking available.

Stay and play on our playground or in our shop's play space after the walk. Bring a water bottle and refill it at our water cooler.

If it is raining cats & dogs, then we will move this walk to the 4th Wednesday of the month, unless it is November (Thanksgiving) or December (Christmas) and then we would cancel for the month.
