Highly Sensitive Children Support Group

Meets every 3rd Sunday 4-5 pm @ Buvez

Email "HSC" to support@athensparentwellbeing.org to get any email updates!

Join us for a new support group for parents and caregivers of highly sensitive children!This will be a chance to share our experiences of parenting HSCs and the aspects of daily life that our highly sensitive children need additional support with.

“Highly Sensitive Child/Person” is a term coined by clinical psychologist Dr. Elaine Aron to describe people and children who take in more information than their peers and process it more deeply. A highly sensitive child (HSC) may be easily overwhelmed, highly reactive to emotional and physical stimuli, have a complex inner life, have intense empathy, and often notice things that others do not. For more information, visithttps://hsperson.com/.”
