Hannah DeCamp

Hannah DeCamp

by Monira Silk May 27, 2024 1 min read

Hannah is the mama of two children and works at Avid Bookshop as a book buyer. As you could probably guess, she loves reading and loves to recommend books on and stories about motherhood and parenting! ReBlossom has always felt like a home away from home to her as a mother, and she feels passionately that all parents deserve the support and care that APW offers. When she's not changing the diapers of her youngest or reading Dog Man with her oldest, she enjoys being outside—preferably in the woods, with her binoculars, listening to the birds.
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Carly Ornstein

Carly Ornstein

by Monira Silk May 19, 2024 1 min read

Carly Ornstein moved with her family to Athens in 2020 where she works from home as a public health consultant. A Baltimore native, she enjoys exploring the Southeast and soaking up all that Athens has to offer. She proudly lives in Newtown with her husband, two small children, and rescue terrier Myrtle Joan Rivers. Carly had her first child in Michigan and second in Missouri (academic wife life), and struggled with the lack of a village, which is why she is passionate about Athens Parent Wellbeing's work. In her free time, Carly likes to stay active, stare at the wall and obsessively research her genealogy. 
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Tiffani Tijerina

Tiffani Tijerina

by Monira Silk May 05, 2024 1 min read

Hi! I’m Tiffani. My husband, Josh, and I have one daughter, Sophia. We’re regulars at reBlossom play groups and events, so you may have seen us around! I am an instructor at Kennesaw State University and a PhD candidate at Texas Tech University. I do all my work and school things remotely from home during naps and night times so that my days are free to spend doing mom things and setting up play dates with our friends. In my free me-time, I like to crochet or play video games.
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